[This site of the late Ron Resch was restored by Mitya Miller from the web fetch copy provided by Erik Demaine, with permission from his son Yon Resch and guidance provided by Robert J. Lang. If you spot any missing or broken links or images, please report them.]
Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970) — Ron Resch Official Website
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Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970)

The concept of folding Cones is a special case of the more general work I have done on folding Curved edges as both two and three-dimensional curves in 3-space. This work was done in the early 60's. This particular model "Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970)" was executed using computer aided scoring with a custom made CAD Scoring machine. It was first exhibited in the1972 "Ron Resch and the Computer" show at the Utah Museum of Fine Art, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Yellow Cones Kissing_with Ron.2_Crop_1024.jpg
Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970) [097-.20]
Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970) [103-.20]
Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970) [116-C562]
Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970) [122-.10]
Yellow Folded Cones: Kissing (1969-1970) [119-C20]